
14 Ice Storage Tanks Are Sure to Keep The New School Cool

August 23, 2016

Utilizing second-generation thermal storage to answer critical energy challenges was a flexible solution TEC Systems was able to provide for New School. TEC was granted the contract for a new construction BMS install at the completely renovated art institute for design. The strategies entailed sustainable efforts, energy recovery, ice storage, and many other sophisticated plans. The schools framework for the advanced technology demanded high quality, and precise controls so that facility engineers can easily apprehend, and make decisions through the BMS 24/7. One of the most fascinating aspects about this project is the ice storage plant. The elaborate system is extremely user-friendly making it easy to achieve supply control and maintenance. The Calmac™ units come equipped with occupancy sensors to determine the ice plants conditions that correlate directly within our BMS. Engineers can decipher what running conditions are needed during on and off peak hours based on the season and outside temperature.
The school is equipped with 14 storage tanks that hold over 6,000 ice gallons that form during the school off-peak hours. This charge is extremely cost effective to supply the peak period cooling needs. The operation of the thermal storage units during the burn/melt mode runs over 2800 ton-hours to fulfill the capacity of the running conditions. This practice is not only efficient for the facility, but also for the impact it has on the environment. Its capacity eliminates excess energy, equipment and fuel needed to power other equipment and devices other facilities rely so heavily on.

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