Luis Hernandez
Project Manager
TEC Systems has a variety of clients, some of which include hospitals and critical medical facilities. The discipline and knowledge needed to successfully execute a proper BMS switch over requires an individual who can visualize a system in its entirety. For over 7 years, Luis has been a key member in the processes that we face when it comes time to maintain, upgrade, and service medical facilities. As of 2016, Luis has joined our project management team where he will further expand his capabilities and drive to assist our clients around NYC. Luis has shown our clients and us his determination and care no matter how challenging of a position he is sometimes faced with. His educational background and growing skill set pair well with the projects we hand down to him. His ability to successfully integrate mission critical equipment, sensors, and controllers has helped us maintain running conditions and avoid down time when hospitals require it the most. Overall, Luis extends his capacity for knowledge in this industry to better serve his client expectations and ours.