Mauricio Martinez

Senior Sales Representative

With a background in engineering and applied sciences from Columbia University, Mauricio has worked his way up from being a field engineer to one of our prized project managers, to most recently one of our most highly respected senior sales representatives. For the past ten years Mauricio has been planning, organizing and implementing design skills for various control systems. He oversees the completion of all construction in accordance with the engineers and architects involved in the project. There is no doubt that all projects will be taken care of with the upmost professionalism and always handled appropriately in the event of any unforeseen emergencies. Mauricio has an amazing portfolio range, which in fact proves his ability even further; being able to handle large accounts can be a very difficult task for many but we fully believe in his capabilities and continue to enjoy watching him grow.

What continues to inspire you?
My family. I do this so that they can have everything they can ever dream of that is within my reach. Other then my passion for the job itself, my family means the world to me and I work hard for them to live comfortably. I know that if my kids see me working hard and see my determination and drive then they can follow my example and may do the same.
Excellent Client Communication
Project Procurement
Engineering Basis Knoweldge
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